Frequently Asked Questions

Below are answers to several questions that come up frequently and are here to help captains and players find information quickly. For ready refefence to game rules all teams should be familiar and have ready access to our Team Manual and NYC Bylaws.


Q.  How does the league work?

A. The league operates three sessions a year  - summer (May - September), Fall (September - January) and Spring (January - May).  Each session lasts approximately 16 weeks.

Q.  Who can join?
A. Anyone aged 21 or over can join.
Q. What if I've never played pool before?
A. You are in the right place at APA. APA is designed for amateur players including beginners who are just beginning to learn. The rules are easy to learn and you don't need a lot of skill to compete. APA uses THE EQUALIZER* handicap and scoring system that makes it possible for players of all abilities to compete on an equal level.
Q. How many people are allowed on an 8-Ball team?
A.  Each team is allowed to have up to eight players. During a league match five players on the team compete.
Q. How do I contact my league operator? 
A.  Email nycpool@aol.com or apanyc@poolplaying.com or call 201-569-2602. 

Q.  How do I join and get on a team? 
A.  It's easy. To join you must secure your annual APA membership at the following link:  APA/CPA Member Login - Get access to your membership information, stats and much more. (poolplayers.com)
Q.  How do we start a match?
A. A match starts with the flip of a coin, or a simulated coin toss on the scorekeeping app.  The winner of the coin toss will decide which team puts up the first player in the first match. The other team will then put up an opponent. The team that put up first in match one will also put up first in matches three and five.  The other team will put up first in matches two and four.
Q.  How is my handicap calculated?
A. Your handicap is determined by your performance in each match you play. Your score is calculated from your weekly scoresheet using THE EQUALIZER* handicap and scoring system.
Q. What is the Team Skill Level Limit (23-rule)?
A. Each player is assigned a skill level, and five players compete on League night. The total of the skill levels of the five players fielded in any team match cannot exceed 23 in a team match during 8-Ball team play. If it does, your team forfeits all the points won during that match.
Q. Where can I learn the rules?
A.  On this page in the top menu click on RULES/BYLAWS and download the Official Team Manual and the NYC Local Bylaws for the full explanation of APAnyc league rules.